May 30, 2010

Market Week

This past week was market week. Which basically means, samples of clothing for Spring/Summer of 2011 were flown into the office where I work. These samples are from China,Italy,and London.It was amazing to see all the new pieces before they have even hit the runway. Not to mention, Burberry has so many different lines. First there is Burberry Prorsum, this is the runway line. Then Burberry London, its a little pricey, but beautiful! Then there is my favorite, which is Burberry Brit, it is somewhat more contemporary and casual.

Brit kind of leads to Burberry Sport, which is active wear, then Burberry Body which is sleepwear. And recently added, Burberry Beauty and Burberry Home.

Tie in to all of this with jewelry, handbags, glasses, shoes, belts, wallets, umbrellas, scarves, and rainboots! Plus Burberry children, which is the cutest thing ever, tiny little cardigans and pants!

I could not take pictures of the clothes, like Sicily wanted, but I can tell you some of the styles that are still going to be popular next Spring. I do not know if this will make you happy or not, but studs will STILL be popular. Pastels will still popular too, like violets, pinks, and blues. Ruffles are not as significant, at least not in the London collection. There was still a very military feel about things as well, with lots of buttons. But that could be because Burberry offers trench coats and pieces that are famous for button detailing. There was lots of denim in the Brit collection. Accessories were still over sized. So basically, this year's trends will still be present next year.

Now that you know a little about the clothes and accessories I had the honor of seeing. Let me tell you the things I experienced and was told to do. Ha

Day 1: Monday
*Anxiety was running rampant throughout the entire showroom. Buyers of the major department stores were going to arrive the next day. Everyone was making sure all the garments were steamed, tagged,and in their place. I had to run to the drug store to buy dye for a sweater all because it was a shade too light. As intern to the showroom manager I was also in charge of making sure all changes were made to the official market schedule, that every appointment was listed. Also I had to make sure the models schedule was set straight and email their agencies to let them know when they were needed; since buyers want to see how the clothes fit. No pressure right!?

Day 2: Tuesday
*This day was a whirlwind. Samples were STILL coming in even though buyers were here. We had to open boxes as soon as they arrived, hang, tag, and get everything on the showroom floor for buyers to see it of course. This day I also met the President of the company, she was very sweet though. The climax of my day was definitely having to hail a cab alone to the UPS center. I knew it would be rough, because we had seen reviews of the place on Google plus they would not answer the phone. So my boss said, "just go" because 5 boxes were delivered there without an address only a name! So I walk in and immediately feel like I was in the Twilight Zone. It is a huge empty old room and a man is sitting in a chair just staring at me, he says can I help you, so I explain my situation and he says, "go through that door and they will help you". I walk from this huge room into one the size of a bathroom, where I am greeted with a very large and tall man. He ends his conversation on the phone then faces me. I know this sounds mean, but upon explaining why I am here, I notice his eyes kind of turn out in opposite directions. So I begin to lose focus on what I am saying while trying to figure out which eye to look at. But regardless he was helpful. They roll out 5 large boxes (we were told they were small) and I jump into a cab back to the office. My driver was mean and claimed he had a "bad back" and asked more than once if someone would meet me at the office when I got there.

Day 3: Wednesday
*The week lightened somewhat beginning on Wednesday. I spent most of my time making sure the showroom stayed in mint condition and helped the catering staff. Around 3:00 there was a group of buyers from Nordstrom, that somehow just stepped in, missing lunch and expecting us to have food ready like we are some cafeteria. So we had to order food for them. Which I had to pick up with the help of a fellow intern from Jersey. And I will leave it at that, assume what you may. Later, I did have to run to this place called the Leather Spa to get model heels stretched out though, which the models were very excited about since apparently the shoes are very tight.

Day 4: Thursday
*I learned that my boss makes the best iced coffees ever. Picked out a dress for the shoe model to wear next week for the Non-apparel market, and checked in all the items we had received previously this week. Also,poked around the showroom cleaning up and eavesdropping on what the buyers had to say about the clothes.

Day 5: Friday
*I was totally burnt out and ready for the weekend! Summer Fridays started, this is an AMAZING tradition New York has. Throughout the summer, businesses close at 1:00 on Fridays, best idea everrr. But don't think that because the day was short that it was easy. No, no. My boss had a meeting that which during I had a list of things to do, all sent to me through text messages. I had to return things at Crate and Barrel, process MORE new samples that were still being sent, then distribute them to their department, and keep watch of the showroom.

So here is my week! Hope you liked it, I know that I did =]
xo Marc


  1. Ahhhhhhh I justttt love youuu!!!!! And love love reading these!

  2. Wow, my baby girl has grown up. Hailing cabs in NYC, picking up packages, making exchanges, ordering and picking up food. I am so proud of you!! You have come a long way from getting lost in Lafayette to running around in New York.
    Love You,

  3. haha thanks mom and Amy! i love you both too! lol glad you like it so much ams! i miss u

  4. Yay!! I'm in the blog post! Haha well I'm glad to know that studs an pastels are still in bc I just bought a bunch of them! Sounds stressful and exciting all at the same time! Can't wait to hear about the girl from Jersey! Hah hope she's not like the people on Jersey Shore...

  5. Sounds like so much exciting fun Marcy...Lafayette is BORING....wish I was in NYC!!! LOVE & MISS YOU & BUBS

  6. ha sis, i got plenty to tell you that i dont want to post here lol and your exactly right its stressful and fun at the same time which is why at the end of the day, im exhausted!

    and mawmaw wish you were here too!

  7. Sounds like a crazy week!! I am so happy studs are in because I have the great pink stud two piece bathing suit and matching heels!!!! lol! I love reading these too!! Keep up the good work taylor haha!!!


  8. thank you spencer! i miss and even greg, just a little bit tho lol and you will have to let me borrow that two piece when i get home sounds adorable!!!

  9. aww marc! sounds like you are having a blast!
    we love you and miss you soo much! can't believe tata shaved his head! omg! i haven't seen it yet, i'm sure i'll be shocked!

  10. sounds like an amazing week (: have funnn and good luck with the rest of your time thereee! && write moree.

  11. cass i miss yall too, trav's head looks good, he looks older, it looked weird when he was completely bald.

    sadie, thank u and i will keep posting, glad u like!
